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Use this form to request court records/documents ( The Clerk of Court can restrict access to court files or portions of court files by authority granted in the Colorado Revised Statutes/Rules, Supreme Court Rules, Chief Justice Directives, local administrative orders/directives, and any other applicable legal authorities. Suppressed cases, juvenile and probate records, or certain documents with confidential or protected information may require a U.S. government-issued photo ID. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the requested response will be provided within three business days.

A paternity test is a medical test that determines the likelihood that a man is the biological father of a child. ___ After reviewing the results of paternity DNA tests with results of 97% or higher, a child's father will often admit to paternity. If that happens, an order may then be signed by the court without the need for a court hearing. A man must fight his designation as a child's father within 5 years of the child's birth.

A family law attorney can help you pursue custody and visitation rights. They can help you negotiate a parenting plan outside of court or argue for your preferred custody arrangement in court. They can also explain the rules that apply in your jurisdiction and the steps you need to take to exercise your rights.

Outside of Men Who Care, The Colorado Fatherhood Program is a five-year initiative of the Colorado Department of Early Childhood. This program is supported by a group of partners, including the Colorado Department of Human Services and the Office of Economic Security, working together to grow and maintain strong families. Seven fatherhood programs with nine locations are part of the Colorado Fatherhood Program. Through free workshops, services, and one-on-one support, these programs support fathers and father figures to build nurturing parenting and healthy relationship skills, and gain tools to work toward financial well-being.

For men getting a divorce or unwed fathers seeking to protect their rights, our Denver father's rights attorneys offer skilled representation focused on protecting the father-child relationship.,protecting%20the%20father%2Dchild%20relationship.

If you find that you are unable to pay the full amount of your child support order, please contact your local county child support office as soon as possible.

No you do not have to pay child support through the courts. You can voluntarily pay support for your children. In fact, parents should do that to keep courts and judges out of their lives. Who knows your family better than you? Put your personal feelings aside and do what’s best for your child(ren).

Please call the national domestic violence hot line. At the Hotline, we know that domestic violence can affect anyone – including men. According to the CDC, one in seven men age 18+ in the U.S. has been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in his lifetime. One in 10 men has experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner. In 2013, 13% of documented contacts to The Hotline identified themselves as male victims.