
Legal Information

Legal Information

Men Who Care, Inc

support their members in the legal field with resources of services for Custodial rights, Child Support and Paternity. At Men Who Care we understand the importance of having wise counsel, that's why we've taken the time to partner with other professionals both in the legal profession and various professional consolers. We believe it is very important for Men as Husbands and Fathers that we provide you with every opportunity to succeed, and if you run into an obstacle it is our obligation to help you, get through it.

..Since.. 1998

Child Support

At Men Who Care, Inc. we recognize the misuse of the system as it pertains to the best interest of the child or children.  At no point in life should a father be held captive from his children for financial reasons.  As the statistical data shows it only hurts the child. 

The First thing a caring father must do is pay your child support if you have the ability.  By not paying you only hurt the child and your rights as a parent.  When you pay you have the right to order the courts to provide you with your child’s whereabouts and if you haven’t had any trouble with the care of the child, you can set a court hearing as to why you are not allowed to see or be an integral part of your child’s life.  There are laws that protect you, however you must act on this immediately.  You are still a father with or without money.  Money can’t buy or replace love and protection.  After all a father isn’t just a check he’s a protector, provider and  disciplinarian when needed.  But most of all he’s Love.

The Second thing a caring father must do is, make every legal attempt to see your child or children. We stress the word legal, this means any attempt to see your child should be in a public setting and if that includes calling the authorities; then use them as an escort to the school, the other parties home if this is were your children reside. Calling – When you call you may want to have a third party on the line i.e. your pastor, a social service representative. You may have to go as far as to monitoring conversations with a recording device. (if using a recording device beware of local laws) We stress, making sure you do things the right way.

The Third thing and most important thing a caring father must do is, make sure that the “child knows beyond a shadow of a doubt you love them.” And that by no means have you abandoned him or her.

This may be the hardest thing to do, with the obstacles you are facing. However, it can be done and must be done for the sake of your child! This will separate a daddy from a caring and loving father.

No, the courts aren’t going to be your friend, however there are laws and you must fight for them to be enforced and equally applied. We know the alternative and its not good for your child, mentally, physically or emotionally. Be there for your child.


The worst marriage is often better than the best divorce and every effort to preserve the marriage must be taken, especially for the children’s sake. However, if you anticipate your wife is going to file against you, you should take the protective measures below. “You can always give something back, at least you will have the ability to do so”.


______1. Cancel all credit cards
______2. Clean out all bank and investment accounts.
Collect all:

bank statements
utility bills
cancelled checks
insurance policies
and anything in the house that has a significant value
and deliver them to your attorney for safekeeping.
Pack a bag and keep it elsewhere. This might even include some food, toiletries, and locate a potential dwelling .

______5. Contact an attorney experienced in custody cases who has a reputation as a fighter.
______6. Become or remain deeply involved in your children’s school activities. Meet with teachers, attend PTA meetings, ball games, etc.
______7. Provide all the child care functions for your child, keep a record of dates and witnesses of overall child care: Homework, Diapers, Meals, Buying Clothes, Washing Clothes
______8. Make home movies/take pictures of you and the child together.
______9. Make a Witness List of people who have observed you doing all the above
_____10. At the last minute before anything is filed, clean out ALL valuables, guns, jewellery, personal effects/items, photos that mean a lot to you, etc. from the house and put in storage. Don’t do anything she can hold over your head. Assume that whatever you leave in the house will never be seen again. Do this even if you now have control of the house. DO NOT MOVE OUT OF THE CHILDREN’S RESIDENCE EVEN TEMPORARILY UNLESS ORDERED BY A COURT! DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN WITHOUT FOOD, UTILITIES ETC. YOU CAN DIRECTLY PURCHASE THINGS THEY NEED
_____11. Do not acquire or expose any new girlfriend or allow her to intermingle in your child’s life or social setting, until the divorce is final!!! This will make things go much smoother. Spend time with your kids instead of dating. Live alone in a
place with a bedroom for the kids, full of toys/computers etc if the court orders you out of the marital residence.

_____13. Keep an EXHIBIT LOG, numbering each potential exhibit as you go. Keeping hundreds or thousands of potential exhibits organized can be a nightmare. Use email and written confirmation of important conversations. Create a paper trail.
_____14. Make NO threats of violence, EVER! Do nothing even remotely threatening or violent. It will totally destroy your case. Bite your tongue, no name calling. Always be quiet, polite and courteous. YOU must be the guy in the white hat.
_____15. Review this list with a local attorney before use.

Paternity: every child deserves to know, who their Father is.

Questions we take for granted, others ask WHY?

Why am I so tall, my mom and uncles are all short?
Why do I excel in math so easily? Everyone comes to me for calculations.
Why is my hair blonde and straight? My mother’s hair is curly and brown.
Who do I celebrate on Father’s Day?

Don’t you think your Child deserves an answer?